Sunday, October 4, 2009

Sunday, October 4th


Beau J. said...

Does anyone know the word of the week is, for I did not get a newsletter?

Mama Duck said...

Hi Beau,

I didn't get one either. Very strange...Maybe the person who writes it is on holidays or it may be delayed until Monday.


Beau J. said...

Hi M.D.
Yes for some reason I haven't been getting it lately too. I got it last week but that was it. Now I don't have it. I am waiting for it to come and still no newsletter at all. But I will wait until some one out there posts it up. I'm thinking the editor is sick.

Unknown said...

This has happened before. I waited until Tuesday and then I emailed them saying that I hadn't see it and was wondering if there was a problem.
Next thing I know, it showed up.